Many people work very hard, but they never
seem to earn enough. In Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki explains how to
escape this "rat race" and achieve financial independence.
Everybody should go to school, get high grades
and then get a good job, right? Wrong! Well, at least if financial independence
is what you are aiming at. Our education system is the number one cause of why
so many people struggle financially. Schools teach people how to work for
money, but they do not teach them how money can work for them. This lack of
financial skills taught in school means that even highly educated people
generally do not know how to handle money. The result is that the majority of
people get trapped in work to pay their bills and are chasing paychecks all
their life.
This is the sad conclusion Robert Kiyosaki
draws in his bestselling book . Luckily, he also offers a way out. A way to get ahead. The fundamental trouble
with working for money is that a job is a short term solution to a long term
problem. People believe that if they get that raise, or get a new job they will
finally have enough. However, if you do not know how money works, you can never
have enough. Money alone will not solve anything, it will even get most people
into more debt. So what is the secret to financial independence? Close the
"The main reason people struggle financially is because they have spent years in school but learned nothing about money.The result is that the people learn to work for money...but never learn to have money work for them." ---
From Rich Dad Poor Dad book written by Robert T.Kiyosaki
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